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$800 Tool Skull available for pre-order

0 Tool Skull available for pre-order

For the Tool fan with more money than sense, we now have a second skull option available for sale – a life size variant, which comes with a pretty cool Third Eye triggered LED. This skull will set you back US$800, or $1299 if you want an autographed box to come with it. It’s a small price to pay to flex your wealth and status as a Tool fan!

As an added bonus, if you’re Australia you’ll be slugged an extra US$350 for shipping! For Tool fans negatively gearing multiple properties, this is merely a trifle!

In fairness, it actually looks pretty cool, but in case you can’t tell – I find the price a little absurd. Each to their own though! One of these would look great on the shelf, but I can’t justify those kind of prices. I’d rather go see Tool place live 8 times, or purchase a couple of copies of Aenima on vinyl.

Here’s some pics:

Fetaskull in all it’s glory
Skull base
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1 year ago

art is priceless.. have fun rich people !


Last edited 1 year ago by citizen_dick
1 year ago

It does look pretty cool but the shipping price is absolutely staggering! It cannot be justified.

1 year ago

So Undertow on vinyl kinda snuck in under the radar at Toolband. Their description of the album takes some not-so-subtle rips at Aenima’s production quality. Only solution? Release a live version of the album!

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