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Volto – features Danny

John Ziegler’s Stroke Recovery Fund

Sad news this morning in that it appears Volto! and Pigmy Love Circus guitarist John Z has recently suffered from a serious stroke.  My understanding of the US Medical system, is that it’s mostly a joke, so financially John appears to be under much strain.  A Gofundme account has been set up, and I’d encourage those with a few spare dollars to send some his way. John “Johnny Z” Ziegler… Read More »John Ziegler’s Stroke Recovery Fund

Volto at The Mint in September

While we sit and wait patiently/impatiently for some kind of Tool news (possibly even tour dates, though that seems to appear more unlikely each passing day), I can update you on a coming Volto! show at the Mint on September 5th. No baked potatoes will be available at this show, however I’m sure the beer will be cold and the music soothing to ones ears. If you’re in Los Angeles… Read More »Volto at The Mint in September

Volto! gig, Pigmy pictures, ‘Busy” band members

Blair posted several updates to Toolband/Army today.  The first lot where a bunch of pictures from the recent Pigmy Love Circus gig.  Some nice work there with several shots take by Danny‘s girlfriend Rynne.  Toolarmy members get a close up of Danny in action. Also mentioned is that there is a Volto! gig coming up on Friday the 6th of March at the Knitting Factory in Hollywood.  Blair mentions it… Read More »Volto! gig, Pigmy pictures, ‘Busy” band members

Toolband Updates

A couple of Toolband updates came out this morning…. Firstly Volto! (featuring Danny) are playing on the 21st of August at the Baked Potato.  Check them out if you’re in LA. Secondly Blair posted a somewhat cryptic message accompanied by a picture of a smashed laptop courtesy of Maynard.  Despite the message to not speculate, I’ve been wondering for some time if the Tool website, and or Toolarmy are due… Read More »Toolband Updates

Danny = Healed!

According to a recent post by Blair on Toolband/Army, Danny‘s hand is more or less healed and he will be playing with Volto! in July. Even better news is that “he’s that much closer to getting back to jamming with his day-job band”.

Danny injures himelf (again)

Blair posted on Toolband/Army today an article talking about Danny‘s recent injury. Apparently he was attacked by a Sea Urchin or Scorpion Fish. Lucky it wasn’t a Sting Ray I guess… Anyway, he elaborates to say that he’s had two surgeries on the hand, and that there probably won’t be any Tool or Volto! shows for a little while.

Aloke OK, Volto! coming soon

According to a recent post by Blair on Toolband/Army, Aloke is recovering well from his heart surgery in his home town of Shantiniketan, India. Good news… Also, Volto! will be playing at the Knitting Factory in LA on March 15. Make sure you grab a ticket!  prepare yourself, here’s a cool drum solo courtesy of rnp2003 from Toolarmy. Finally, for those that missed it, there’s a new NIN album out… Read More »Aloke OK, Volto! coming soon

Volto! NAMM party

According to a recent post on Toolband/Army Volto! will be hosting a NAMM party at the Knitting Factory on Thursday the 17th of January.  Buy you’re tickets in advance since Volto! usually sells out. For those that don’t know, NAMM is the National Association of Music Merchants conference, and usually frequented by most major musical instrument companies and their endorsees.  Expect to see a whole range of new instruments displayed,… Read More »Volto! NAMM party

Danny’s Arm, Butcher

Just a couple of snippets of news from Toolband/Army.  As well as wishing happy birthday to Minsun, and reminding us of a VOLTO! show on Friday the 19th of October, Blair tells us that Danny has had some followup surgery on his arm. From the tone of the post it doesn’t sound like anything too serious, but we all hope there are no further complications regardless. They also remind us… Read More »Danny’s Arm, Butcher