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Tool Newsletter May 2020

Tool Newsletter May 2020

Blair has posted a Tool Newsletter for May 2020, and this time around it has a little more information than we’ve seen in a little while. It serves as an update mostly for side projects of various band members, most of which I’ve posted about already. Perhaps the most interesting part is Justin‘s update, where he discusses new music coming from M.T.void very soon, as well as a hint of… Read More »Tool Newsletter May 2020

Tool December 2012 Newsletter released, Intronaut support

Blair released the Tool 2012 Newsletter for December today, and it talks about Tool amongst other things.  Word is that 2012 should be a good year for Tool fans as “projects that have admittedly taken quite a while are now getting finished, and should soon be ready for you to scrutinize.”  One rumour floating around is that the video for The Pot may be shown at the coming Tool gigs. … Read More »Tool December 2012 Newsletter released, Intronaut support

November 2011 Tool Newsletter released

Just a quick message (I’m a little pressed for time right now) to let you guys know that the November 2011 Tool Newsletter is now up on Toolband, and it seems to talk about some form of recording with Joe Barresi and speculates a little on a winter tour. Take a read and let us know what you think!

October 2011 Tool Newsletter

Blair’s October 2011 Tool newsletter has been released, and it’s the Samhain/Halloween edition!  A relatively short one, but touches on the bands apparently commitment to getting the next album done, as well as a range of other interesting (or irrelevant depending on your point of view) topics. Apparently in the next newsletter there might be some news on the new Tool website. Don’t forget that tonight Blair will be playing… Read More »October 2011 Tool Newsletter

September 2011 Tool Newsletter

‘][‘ [[]] [[]] ][, posted in the forums this morning at the September Tool newsletter has been released, and low and behold I found it stashed away in the Newsletters section of the site (no sign of it in the News section). The newsletter itself is the usual cryptic type, hinting at a lack of progress in the new Tool album (though there may be a hint of sarcasm there)… Read More »September 2011 Tool Newsletter

Tool August 2011 Newsletter

Ok _________’s, Blair recently put out the August Tool Newsletter.  It’s reasonably short, and only really contains a couple of Tool snippets, the most important probably being: (in regards to the new Tool album) Just when things were rolling along at the loft with the writing and arranging sessions (and what I’ve heard so far sounds truly great!) And: Also, things are looking good for the new Tool website… as… Read More »Tool August 2011 Newsletter

July 2011 Tool Newsletter released

Blair released the July 2011 Tool newsletter earlier on Toolband today, and it’s largely in the format of a Q&A with questions submitted by drug taking readers.  Of importance to our “Tool news only” fans: Assuming that you know all about the A PERFECT CIRCLE tour and new PUSCIFER TRACK ("MAN OVERBOARD"), other than another TOOL WEBSITE MEETING on Friday, DANNY being the guest drummer for the Monday Night Jammmz… Read More »July 2011 Tool Newsletter released

June Tool Newsletter

June has come quickly this year, and with it comes the next Tool newsletter. Get your decoder rings and/or Taco Bell discount vouchers out! Blair fields a few questions I’m sure some of you will find interesting, including an update of sorts on the status of the Tool website: Q: “Hey Blair, how are you? As you mentioned you keep getting mostly ‘when the f**k is the new album going… Read More »June Tool Newsletter

May Tool Newsletter

Blair has released the May 2011 Tool Newsletter on Toolband this morning in which he discusses the Rapture, and then makes a prediction of his own regarding the release of the next Tool album…

Tool Newsletter April 2011

Blair released the April 2011 newsletter on Toolband/Army, and it looks like this month is a return to form of sorts. I discusses mainly the Royal Wedding and also touches on Tool‘s progress: Q: “Hey, Can you tell me what the new Tool album sounds like?” A: Well, so far, it sounds like Stockhausen meets Jimmy Durante. No, actually I haven’t heard any of it yet. I did, however, see… Read More »Tool Newsletter April 2011