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Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:20 pm
by not tyson
Let God give you a massage (The visuals were designed around the album if that's your kinda thing)


Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:24 pm
by hellboy
You can't embed a playlist, but you can post a link to it.  I forget what link you need to use though.  Take a look at my LARD pick as I used a playlist there from memory.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:30 pm
by not tyson


I did the same with my last pick as well, I'm a bit under the weather due to the origin.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:32 pm
by Ravenpig
Damn it. Rhapsody has a bunch of this guy's stuff but not this album.

On that note, my lap top is on the fritz so I've not been able to catch the last few AOTW that weren't on rhapsody.

In case anyone (aka no one) was curious.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:34 pm
by hellboy
Thanks for the playlist - listening now

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:49 pm
by MOG
Not a BT fan, but it's not a bad album. 6.5/10

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:01 am
by not tyson
Just for Mog and his ilk I wanted you to know how complex this album is,, instead of plying around with strange time signatures and playing with each others dicks BT did something different


"All That Makes Us Human Continues" was written entirely in Csound, a music sequencer written in the programming language C, over a period of six months. Several tracks also feature a full 110-piece orchestra; most notably, "The Antikythera Mechanism", which features the orchestra both in original and beat stuttered forms. The only traces left of previous BT albums are the closing minutes of "The Internal Locus", with its pronounced hip hop beat, and album closer "Good Morning Kaia", an ambient rock number filled with ocean sounds that is dedicated to his daughter.[3]


Also this is my  favourite album ever, offering it up as an Album of the week was a struggle for me.


I doubt Mog even listened to it.



Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:57 am
by The Boss
Tyson said
Just for Mog and his ilk I wanted you to know how complex this album is,, instead of plying around with strange time signatures and playing with each others dicks BT did something different


"All That Makes Us Human Continues" was written entirely in Csound, a music sequencer written in the programming language C, over a period of six months. Several tracks also feature a full 110-piece orchestra; most notably, "The Antikythera Mechanism", which features the orchestra both in original and beat stuttered forms. The only traces left of previous BT albums are the closing minutes of "The Internal Locus", with its pronounced hip hop beat, and album closer "Good Morning Kaia", an ambient rock number filled with ocean sounds that is dedicated to his daughter.[3]


Also this is my  favourite album ever, offering it up as an Album of the week was a struggle for me.


I doubt Mog even listened to it.



I haven't listened to it yet, as I'm trying to find the time to properly set aside for this album (most probably tomorrow morning), but after reading those notes, I'm pretty excited.


Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:12 am
by hellboy
Need to give this more listens.  I agree with Tyson that it's a complex album, though I'm not going down the path of disputing Mog's opinion of it.

Not prepared to rate it yet, probably around a 6 or 7 to me, but I will say I think it's much better than the Boards of Canada album posted a few weeks back.  Some may laugh and say they're different styles, but to me they sound similar enough that a comparison is valid, if only because I listen to so little of this style of music.

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:30 am
by MOG
Tyson said
Just for Mog and his ilk I wanted you to know how complex this album is,, instead of plying around with strange time signatures and playing with each others dicks BT did something different


"All That Makes Us Human Continues" was written entirely in Csound, a music sequencer written in the programming language C, over a period of six months. Several tracks also feature a full 110-piece orchestra; most notably, "The Antikythera Mechanism", which features the orchestra both in original and beat stuttered forms. The only traces left of previous BT albums are the closing minutes of "The Internal Locus", with its pronounced hip hop beat, and album closer "Good Morning Kaia", an ambient rock number filled with ocean sounds that is dedicated to his daughter.[3]


Also this is my  favourite album ever, offering it up as an Album of the week was a struggle for me.


I doubt Mog even listened to it.



Stop being a pussy.  I never said it was a bad album.  Of course I listened to it that is the point of this entire fucking listening club.  I have been listening to electronic music for a long fucking time.  BT has never interested me.  I didn't knock the album.  It is OK.  I am aware of the complexity of the album.  It was right there in the fucking song descriptions.  As you yourself have said MANY times, complexity in and of itself doesn't make for a good album.

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:34 am
by MOG
hellboy1975 said
Need to give this more listens.  I agree with Tyson that it's a complex album, though I'm not going down the path of disputing Mog's opinion of it.

Not prepared to rate it yet, probably around a 6 or 7 to me, but I will say I think it's much better than the Boards of Canada album posted a few weeks back.  Some may laugh and say they're different styles, but to me they sound similar enough that a comparison is valid, if only because I listen to so little of this style of music.

What would you have to dispute?  We agree on the rating.  I gave it a 6.5.  Christ Tyson is being a fucking pussy about this.  I said it is not a bad album.  Not great, but not bad.  Tyson's last pick was FANTASTIC.  This one not so much.  What is the fucking problem?


Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:52 am
by hellboy
Mog of the Architect said 
What would you have to dispute?  We agree on the rating.  

When I say dispute I mean that you listened to it really, like Tyson is suggesting.  Fuck it, we both know he's just trolling at this stage.

By my review system, 6.5 isn't a bad score.  There seem to be many who see anything under a 7 or 8 as a bad review.  Personally for me everything starts at 5, and then goes up or down from there.  The fact that something gets a rating above 5 for me means I actually found more to like about the album than dislike.


Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:41 am
by MOG
hellboy1975 said

Mog of the Architect said 
What would you have to dispute?  We agree on the rating.  

When I say dispute I mean that you listened to it really, like Tyson is suggesting.  Fuck it, we both know he's just trolling at this stage.

By my review system, 6.5 isn't a bad score.  There seem to be many who see anything under a 7 or 8 as a bad review.  Personally for me everything starts at 5, and then goes up or down from there.  The fact that something gets a rating above 5 for me means I actually found more to like about the album than dislike.


^ Agreed.  6 is not bad.  7 is a good album.  8 is a very good album.  9 is an outstanding album.  10 is perfect (highly subjective at that point)


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:21 am
by Ravenpig
Ok so I finally got a chance to hear this, first AOTW review for me in a few weeks.


It doesn't really do much for me.  I generally feel this way about this type of music and this album was no different.  However, despite the length of the tracks and my general apathy, I will say that it never felt like it was dragging on too much.  It's just not my thing, I guess.


There were a couple of moments that caught my ear, most notably the last couple of minutes of "The Internal Locus" and the middle 3, 4 minutes of track 4 (the title track?  It's oddly titled on the playlist).


I'll go with a 5.5/10, "above average".  5 (average) seemed too low and 6 (good) seemed too high.


(My rating system is pretty much the same as Hellboy and Mog's up there)

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:44 pm
by Kittaan
I began listening to this right after Tyson posted it, but kept getting pulled away, and I wanted to check it out with the graphics, since that definitely added to the experience.  I dug it, but as mentioned above, electronic music is not my go to.  

Some observations/comments: Cool project, and I had not heard of it - although I had heard other BT previously.  Enjoyed checking it out.  I would like to hear some of the best moments expanded on and either replaced by, or augmented by live musicians (I haven't researched it, but assume from the sounds that this is primarily samples?).  Especially when it comes to percussion, for me there is often (I hesitate to say always) something lacking with electronic music.

@ Tyson - do you realize that much of this music has its basis in straight ahead jazz?  I found that amusing, based on previous comments from you.  Still, I can understand why you dig it, it's got a lot of emotion, especially considering its origin.

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:12 pm
by basejumper
I liked this selection. I listened to it in the background and thought it was very relaxing. I would like to listen again while watching the videos for a more involved experience.



Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:43 am
by not tyson
[BBvideo 560,340][/BBvideo]
Kittaan wrote: Especially when it comes to percussion, for me there is often (I hesitate to say always) something lacking with electronic music.
EDM is based usually around percussion.

Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:43 am
by not tyson
[BBvideo 560,340][/BBvideo]

Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:47 am
by not tyson
Also never hated on jazz, just jazz fusion, the corniest shit I've ever heard.

Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:14 pm
by Busty McCracken
Not Tyson wrote:T.Hanks

I did the same with my last pick as well, I'm a bit under the weather due to the origin.
Not Tyson wrote:T.Hanks

I did the same with my last pick as well, I'm a bit under the weather due to the origin.
I was at the game & got to see old mates bare arse in all it's glory.. Most frustrating game of footy I've ever watched in my life.. Useless cunts couldn't win a meat tray!

Only just saw this album of the week, spinning it now, but thinking might be better served listening late at night with a turkey in hand than right now early morning.. Sounds really good so far though.

Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:03 pm
by The Boss
Alright, dickstain, I'm listening to it.

Be ready for updates:


E: Pure bliss. Boy, are we gonna get a bunch of x and listen to this whilst discussing how awesome my life is.*

E2: A little dark. I dig.


E4: A playground. Of fun! Can I stay here! This is beautiful. I feel safe . . .


E6: Seriously. Aphex Twin. Hot. My nipples could cut glass right now.

E7: I feel like I should be able to fuck a chick to this. I mean, can I? Is that what's happening?

Pot. I need pot. That's the key, isn't it. It's weed.

E8: Whoops, maybe not. Maybe coke. Which I hate. . . . . . .

E9: . . .

E10: "You're the only one who can hold-" Whoops. Wrong song. Rain? Really?

E11: I don't mind a good build-up. Whe?


E13: Holy shit.

E14: Sustained.

E15: One of the best things I've heard in my life. Downloading everything now.

E16: A build-up, I guess?

E17: This is criminally underrated. And "dubstep" exists???

E18: Gonna make sure everyone I know hears this. All three of them.

E19: DELERIUM. I love them!

E20: Now it's not DELERIUM. :(

E21: Pretty sounds! (More beer).

E22: Totally not DELERIUM. Anyone watching the visuals on this?

E23: I really hope that Richard D. James has heard this. 'Cause he'll either be bashful, or full of rage.

E24: I just . . . went somewhere.


E25: JAM TIME! Kidding. Baddass bass, though.

E26: Yawn. LOL. This is EXACTLY what MBV were going for with their visuals.

Oh, man. Idiots.

E27: We have to go deeper. 4:15am, and I have to piss and smoke. PAUSE.

E28: BACK. Hmmm. Sedated. Nice. Say what you want about BECKS beer, but it's fucking tasty.

E29: Kind of feel depressed, but in a good way. I'm a sucker for acoustic guitar at any level.

E30: Beautiful. Perfect. Should've been on the sequel to "PRIMER". (NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, Yeah, I watched it. Couldn't cry. Too beautiful. "We are one" etc etc ad nauseum)

E31: I wants a glitch now.

E32: Sounds Asian. I dig. On the down bass, you know.


E34: I'm home.

E35: Holy fuck almighty.

E36: Then it just broke from beats to beauty. Whoa. Nice. Very pretty. Oh, and back to the original piece. Wait, that was nearly fifteen minutes?! That flew.

E38: I've actually been looking for something very "futuristic" for a while, but my shitty Google skills haven't served me well. Very, um, well, APHEX TWINish. Which is good.

E39: Now trying for something, ah, "pretty".

E40: Weird song name choice. To think that the Antikythera Mechanism would be the ONLY thing with cogs, teeth, etc, from a by-gone era, is a little myopic. Hmmm . . .

E41: . . . mmmmm. OOOOOH, I GET IT. Yeah. The sounds are the cogs kabdlbelbfuebfljbcmsdbkls. Exactly.

E42: By far, the most interesting track on the album. This is fucking great. Actually, it's got everything - acoustic guitar, a bit of glitch, and a lovely flow. Great.

E43: A sense of urgency, as well.


E45: What just happened?

E46: Fucking hell. This is fantastic. What a bold, loving, gesture - in terms of creative endeavor. A fluid, sure, unpretentious piece.

E47: Last track. Muddy piano. That's my thing. NIN's done it a few times. It works well. Gotta sound like you're hearing it through a wool blanket. Lovely.

E48: Very confident. It's hard to do the last track on a sustained piece like this. It's not necessarily brave, but it's very assured of itself.

E49: I get the impression that this was what it was going for. Still doesn't hit the spot, for me personally, as much as the rest of the work. Maybe I just have a hardcore anti-children agenda. Meh.

E50: Still, an excellent closer to one of the most confident, brash, and RIGHT albums I've ever heard. Absolutely wonderful. My only problem is that I'm way to impatient - so my editing would cut this to shit.


In this genre, up there with THIEVERY CORPORATION and the very best parts of APHEX TWIN - yet on a completely different wavelength.

* Rather than edit every time I want to make a comment, I'll just go ahead and put a number next to it, as the album goes.

I'm drunk. Fuck you.

** Poetic, I'm drunk, I don't know. I remember I was happy and sad at the same time. Bangin'.

Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:31 am
by not tyson
11/10 review

would bang

Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:55 am
by The Boss
Yeah, I'm happy with it.

Except for me confusing "to" and "too" toward the end there. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 3:56 am
by The Boss
Also, you'd adore BURIAL. He's not as upbeat and "busy", but still manages to evoke an atmosphere like no one else.

Re: Album of the week - BT - This Binary Universe

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:50 am
by petemasterpete
Finally made it around to this one ... admittedly, I typically can't be fucked with a lot in this genre other than as background noise to other things, but I liked it ... more listens to come
