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Danny Drumskin on Trademe

Spongebob from Toolnavy pointed out that there is a Danny Carey drumskin from the New Zealand Big Day Out on Trade Me.  The current bidding price is $100 (New Zealand I presume).

Next Picture From the Stash….

Todays picture is not as exciting as the last few.  It’s a setup shot which shows the techs setting up Tool’s video screens.  Interesting, though as I said in my review, I’m not sure they got it 100% right.

Sydney Entertainment Centre 2007 Partial Bootleg

2L from has posted a bootleg of the recent Tool show at the Sydney Entertainment Centre on the 24th of January, 2007.  The bootleg only contains the first four tracks (Stinkfist, 46&2, Jambi and Schism) but is of pretty high quality.  Here’s hoping the rest of the show is on the way. Download it here.

Concert Reviews

Plenty of you guys have asked if you can post reviews of the recent Australian Tool shows. To cater for this I’ve been looking for a suitable WordPress plugin to cope with this kind of stuff. Unfortunately the search has come up empty at the moment. I am happy to publish them, so I propose the following: Email me your review at If your review is any good, I’ll… Read More »Concert Reviews

2 Pictures

I have two pictures for you mob to enjoy today. This first is a picture of Ryan‘s framed Signed Lateralus Vinyl. Ryan has devised some kind of clear frame so that it can be turned over when the mood suits. Nice one! The other picture is from my Big Day Out collection. Knock yourselves out!

Shitty Pictures Alert

Ok, so I’ve got many crap photos (and some that are ok) taken with my Nokia N70 at the Sydney Big Day Out.  I’m going to post one a day, starting from the good, and working down to the bad, or until I reach a point where enough people post “enough already”. Deal?