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Tool related Links

Tool in Turin

J emailed me today telling me that he saw Tool playing in Turin last night, and that he had some pictures to share. Check them out here!

“Lists”, Hungarian Tool Fans

Blair has posted on the TA boards a response to peoples questions regarding the Tool Set-List.  As usual, it’s not a straight answer: E-MAIL ABOUT THIS “LIST” THING I must admit that I’m completely baffled by recent e-mails from some Tool enthusiasts over in Europe (and here in the U.S. as well) whining and complaining about the band having the same guest list every night. This is just plain ridiculous.… Read More »“Lists”, Hungarian Tool Fans

Tool Live Production Details

Kassel on Toolarmy has posted a link to an article which gives us some more insight into Tool‘s video and lighting show, as well as some of the logistics behind it: It’s hard to explain the depth of what goes into the production at a Tool concert to somebody who is not in our industry. Much like their music, the production is intelligent and progressive—the interplay of video and lighting… Read More »Tool Live Production Details

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures…

Toolarmy members have been treated to yet another exclusive, this time Blair has posted several pictures of Tool performing live recently. They’re all taken by Camella, and are all excellent pictures. Non-TA members will have to take their chances on Google… Speaking of pictures, J has sent me a link of a collection of photo’s he took at a recent Tool show. Once again there’s some damn fine ones there,… Read More »Pictures, Pictures, Pictures…

Ahoy there mateys!

If ye have not yet noticed ToolArrrrrrmy is back from Davy Jones’ Locker!  Garrr! Ahoy, some people o’ ToolArrrrrrrmy have posted some links t’ bootlegged recordin’s of Wings For Marie and 10,000 Days.  Arrr, check them out now, shiver me timbers!

Kirk talks about playing with Tool

Thanks to Reg for this link where Kirk Hammet from Metallica talks about playing with Tool in Hawaii.  Here’s an excerpt: When it came time for me to play I was so locked into the vibe that I started really quietly while building the solo. By the last third of the solo I turned on Adam’s delay setting and played some really high notes that felt like the top of… Read More »Kirk talks about playing with Tool

Tool pics from Sweden

The good people at The Tool Hotline and Bastardometer both posted a link to some pictures from Tool‘s recent Swedish show. Some great ones there, so check them out!


A few snippets of info the last couple of days. CorpseGrindeR (who’s definitely NOT Gay) on Toolarmy posted a few links to some nice Tool photos yesterday. No idea who took them, but they appear to have been taken by someone in the crowd at the recent Tempe show. Dial-up users take not, they’re big pictures! Toolband/Army has confirmed that Tool are playing the Street Scene… Read More »Stuff

“The best album art since the 70’s”

I found this article on Yahoo Music today, which talks about 10,000 Days, with a few quotes from Adam, and also from their record company Zomba: Fans love it, says Bryan Everitt, director of music operations for the 153-store Hastings Entertainment chain. “It’s great to see music lovers reading the liner notes and really enjoying holding the product in their hands again.” (Adam) Jones, who came up with the concept,… Read More »“The best album art since the 70’s”