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Well I’ve been reading these reviews for a while now to get an idea of what to expect on May 2nd. Boy have I been thrown off guard! This is my 3rd listen to the album today and it’s growing on me like cancer. I compare it very much to “undertow” as it rocks out very hard and doesn’t quite have as much of a “floaty” feel as Lateralus does. However it doesn’t climax quite the way that Lateralus does either. all in all a great album, and is literally getting better by the second!
“Vicarious” What can I say? This song nailed me the minute I heard it. Lot’s of changes, incredible drumming, and and awesome climax!
“Jambi” WOW, can you say Meshuggah influenced? Just when you think you know what’s going on, the mood changes and things start happening in a different direction. But wait, it starts over. The talk box solo is very cool and leads to an incredible ending!
“Wings for Marie” This song really through me off guard. I expected belted out singing. But Maynard lays back in this one, as well as the 2nd part of “wings.” Starts off really easy and slow, then the guitar work comes in. Almost reminds me of something classical. But it sounds great.
“10,000 days” A lot of the same, but with a twist. Maynards vocals are getting stronger, and Danny adds little notes here and there which are GENIOUS. It gets strong, and THEN…. my eyes water up during the next strong verse as the song fully comes into it’s own with Adam’s distortion and the weight of the awesome lyrics. It ends like a jam session.
“The pot” WHAT A CATCHY ASS SONG! If this song isn’t ALL OVER the airwaves within the next few months, then we’d be living in “bizaro world.”
“Lipan Conjuring” Hmm….
“Lost keys” Pretty much like the outro of Reflection, but much longer. Which leads to….
“Rosetta stoned” Great song. Not as heavy as I had imagined it to be, but if you thought you heard nothing but “craziness” up until this point, just wait till rosetta wets your pants! The riffs remind me a lot of third eye, then bam, tool meets mars volta. Just when you think you lost all control, tool comes up with another amazing climax to a great song.
“Intention” Pretty cool little track. Starts off a little slow and frankly, boring, but then some floaty guitar comes in to make a nice mellow mood.
“Right in Two” Yeah! The one everyone is talking about as being the typical expected tool song. And it doesn’t let you down. Starts off a little slower than I thought, but then it gets the ball rolling. Great end to a great song!
“Viginti Tres” Eh…
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18 years ago

lol i like how you describe lipjan conjuring as hmmmm. i guess most people dont enjoy the fillers that tool has provided us with. but there have been the classics ie. intermission.

18 years ago

Like your screen name. . . RUSH rules.

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