Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

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Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by coreyfarkas »

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if we could get a discussion going regarding this...

1)Of the dozen or so spoof Tool CDs included in the spurious catalog in the insert contained in the import (i.e. European) version of Aenima, one of them is actually real (meaning that it at least includes jam sessions by the band and various other recorded material). Though having never been released to the general public, about 30 copies were surreptitiously placed in various record stores in European cities (most of them in Poland) by members of the band and their crew during a tour over there. TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE. But there is much more to this story - as I have been hinting at for years. Perhaps someday someone will finally figure it out, and before certain things become obsolete.

Does anyone know anything else about this or recall the other hints Blair mentions? Is he saying that 30 copies of this Jam CD exist or 30 of the fake catalogs?
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by Kittaan »

I am also very interested in this. However, let's be clear on the possibility that BMB is yet again fucking with us. After all, it is just so easy to do with Tool fans, and he is pretty damn good at it.

Still.... Are there any Polish Tool fans (still in Poland) lurking on this forum? Does anyone know someone there? Someone was whipping out the Sherlock hat on possible years and cities on another thread...
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by basejumper »

I wrote this in another thread......

Would be cool to find one of those...
With a bit of research I'm sure it could be narrowed down.

One thing I noticed is that Tool did not tour in Poland during the Aenima tour. The closest they got was Berlin and other spots in Germany. Also during that tour they didn't have much free time between shows so I'm guessing that they might have deposited them during the Lateralus tour. They traveled to I think 3 cities in Poland but once again had little time to sight see. However, they had a break from a Scandinavian show and the first show in Warsaw.
My guess is that they were hidden in record stores in Warsaw.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by basejumper »

Also, I'm not too sure that the aforementioned items would still be in the original record stores but I did a search and found about a half dozen record stores in Warsaw. Now to see which ones were around 10-15 years ago!
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by sublime5446 »

Someone asked a question in the newsletter thread ( how do I post there? It's says its locked) on Blair's comment about finding it before it becomes obsolete. My guess would be that he's actually talking about the store itself becoming obsolete and going out of business.

Basejumper- I would think they planted these albums prior to aenema's release. I find it highly unlikely that they decided after the fact to actually make these "spoof" albums and hide them years later, rather than hide them and decide to include a hint in an album pressed for that specific region. Also he said he's been hinting at them for years, and I do remember him jokingly referring to one of the albums on numerous occasions, maybe he gave away which album was the real one.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by sublime5446 »

Also google dug this hint up from 2002. I haven't read the newsletter there talking about yet, but here's a post from toolnavy discussing it

"here is a quote from maynard, he was talking to Blair(works alot on, and is a friend of maynards) about all the secrets he has given on, this is from the most recent newsletter.

"Also, there was the thing about the mathematical formula encoded in the insert catalogue on the European issue of Aenima. Fortunately, nobody's figured that one out yet"

can anyone figure this out?"

The post is from the end of November 2002 so maybe check out some newsletters around then
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October 2002

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So I asked Maynard about his worst nightmare, explaining it was for the hell-oween newsletter. In a soft monotone he replied, " My worst nightmare would have to be those newsletters of yours, Blair." He then began a steady list of my past improprieties: " First you gave away the secret ingredient in my cookies in that Justin piece you did a couple of years ago. Last summer you wrote about my purchasing a guitar in London in which the price turned out to be exactly 666 LBS. That was okay, but you included a scan of my graphite AMEX card receipt on the site without blacking out the card number. So dozens of people were charging things to my account before I figured out what happened and had it removed from the site. That one wasn't too pleasant, I must say. Then you mentioned that I had whispered a barely audible message on 'No Quarter' from the Salival boxset. And we know what happened after people began listening to it, don't we.

Same thing with the subliminal thing on Lateralus. I thought you would have learned something from the 'No Quarter' experience, but apparently you didn't. Also, there was the thing about the mathematical formula encoded in the insert catalogue on the European issue of Aenima. Fortunately, nobody's figured that one out yet. In last year's X-mas issue, you gave away the source of the drone on Mantra before I had you change it to a multiple choice question. Recently you posted a scan of my latest ***** passes which people began to duplicate at home. So we had to take that off the site and re-design the things (and I really liked the designs the way they WERE). Not knowing anything about premium wines, in the last newsletter you had me ordering a bottle of Aste Spumante at the Italian restaurant. Not to mention you almost gave away the location of my Arizona home by mentioning that hill before I had Chris remove the reference. And I just know you secretly encoded the CO-ordinates of my favorite British pub in that piece you called "The Green Kiss." And not only that, Blair, you've all but given away what my favorite British dish is with that ***** bit. I'm surprised you just didn't say that it was the other pink meat. I don't know what you're planning for the Hallowe'en issue, but either go to Tibet and find some mariphasa or I'm going to buy myself some silver bullets." Click! Buzz...
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by basejumper »

sublime5446 wrote:Someone asked a question in the newsletter thread ( how do I post there? It's says its locked) on Blair's comment about finding it before it becomes obsolete. My guess would be that he's actually talking about the store itself becoming obsolete and going out of business.

Basejumper- I would think they planted these albums prior to aenema's release. I find it highly unlikely that they decided after the fact to actually make these "spoof" albums and hide them years later, rather than hide them and decide to include a hint in an album pressed for that specific region. Also he said he's been hinting at them for years, and I do remember him jokingly referring to one of the albums on numerous occasions, maybe he gave away which album was the real one.

I think the obsolete quote might refer to cassette tapes. Do we know what medium these tracks are recorded on?

I don't think they made them after the fact. I think they were made at the time of Aenima, they just never got around to putting them out there until Lateralus tour. They are kinda slow with things you know!
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by The Boss »

There's a hidden track on thirty CD pressings of "AENIMA". It would be your typical "Track 0" - ie, skip backwards from the first track.

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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by Kittaan »

Tyson wrote:I thought Maynard knew about premium wines?

Good grief.
"Not knowing anything about premium wines, in the last newsletter you had me ordering a bottle of Aste Spumante at the Italian restaurant."

Meaning that BMB knows nothing about wine and so substituted that crap for the premium wine Maynard presumably ordered.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by Kittaan »

Since there's currently no link between the Fourtheye Blog and Forum, some may have missed this, and it's pretty interesting.

I don't think I've seen Froudie visit here, but this was his/her sleuthing, not mine:
August 4, 2013 at 5:31 am
Did some digging…


Q: When Aenima came out, I remember seeing Tool on vinyl at the record store. Was the acid really THAT good, or did I really see all three TOOL albums on one or two pieces of vinyl?

A: All were released on vinyl in America except for “BETHLEHEM ABORTION CLINIC” which was only released on vinyl in Europe and never released in CD format anywhere. See catalogue in import release of Aenima CD for details. That reminds me, someone recently (I think it was Staci) found a copy of Undertow on vinyl and said it contained “The Lord’s Prayer” inscribed in the dead wax. If so, I didn’t know that.


Q: I’ve heard that there are several Tool CDs that were released in Europe, but not in America. Is this true, and if so, how can I order them?

A: It is true. In the insert in the European version of Aenima there is a catalogue which lists these CDs. They include: “Three Fat Brown Fingers”, “Nurse Ketimella’s Kit* Chen”, “Just Up That Dirt Road (Tool Live at the Acropolis)”, “The Bethlehem Abortion Clinic”, “Crapsteaks smothered in Dictators” and “The Christmas Album by Tool.” Someday I will tell you what makes ONE of these cds so special – something the band members don’t want anyone to know – though it’s there for discerning listeners. Perhaps I’ve said too much already.

* No Creed records were purchased by band members in order to experiment with playing them backwards.


Also, there was the thing about the mathematical formula encoded in the insert catalogue on the European issue of Aenima. Fortunately, nobody’s figured that one out yet.

21st SEP 2006 NEWS POST

Here’s what some are saying about LUSTMORD: RISING (LIVE 06.06.06): “Possibly the ‘darkest’ recording since Tool’s Bethlehem Abortion Clinc (12134-66649-4).”

17th NOV 2006 NEWS POST

Better yet, maybe do something off of “Crapsteaks Smothered in Dictators”, or “Nurse Ketimella’s Kit*Chen”, or “Bethlehem Abortion Clinic” or how about an early version of “Pushit” from “Just Up That Dirt Road: TOOL LIVE! at the Acropolis.” Let’s see them try that while the band isn’t looking!


(from “Bethlehem Abortion Clinic”)


My inclusion of the song “Abomination of Desolation” from the Tool album “Bethlehem Abortion Clinic” (listed in the catalogue/insert of the release of Aenima outside the United States) seemed to further this (erroneous) notion. Tool albums that might or might not exist on parallel earths aside, what a social experiment that title turned out to be, with nearly everyone believing it to contain a negative Xian message when it could just as easily be something to the contrary (yes, including being an anti-abortion statement).


Which brings us to the “holy grail” that I mentioned earlier. No, it’s not a cheap guitar signed hastily backstage by all four band members as part of some radio promo. It also doesn’t concern bizarre video props or some Xeroxed set-list that includes “The Grudge”, and which is also signed by Maynard (most likely fabricated). It’s not even the lyrics to a popular Tool song hand written on a Ralph’s grocery bag. No, this is something REALLY special. Are you ready? Suppose I was to tell you that there is a Tool song – recorded in a studio – that hasn’t been heard except for by a handful of people, and that virtually no one outside of the band (and a few others) is aware of its very existence? Keep in mind, this is not a cover (not the rumored “Crazy Train”), nor is it a glorified segue that never made it onto a record. This is an original full-blown Tool song complete with vocals and lyrics. The title of this tune is “Problem 8 (The Riemann Hypothesis)”, and it was recorded many years ago – so long ago, in fact, that I don’t remember who played bass, although I want to say it was Justin. The length is somewhere in the six-minute range (if my memory serves me correctly), but whatever it is, the exact time had something to do with the unsolved and mysterious nature of the title. Now, not only was the song professionally recorded; it was actually ‘issued’ in a manufactured medium (though I’m not going to say whether this was vinyl, a CD, or cassette tape). Because of the ingenious way it was made available to the public, “Problem 8” , in my opinion, constitutes the ultimate hidden track. Only, don’t go looking for it among your collection (most of you, that is!), as there are no more than 30 copies on the planet. As for those who have one, most, I’m sure, aren’t aware of it, even though it might be staring them right in the eye on a near daily basis. The reason they aren’t aware of it, is because they’d never think to play it. Okay, enough said…

And though it’s not that rare, the European version of the Aenima CD SHOULD BE of interest to collectors. Not because the disc contains the Goetic sigil of Furfur, or that it includes an insert catalog of spurious “other albums available by Tool”, but because the spoof catalog contains in itself true information that might be of great interest to certain fans of the band.


“Aenima” was the first Tool project that I was asked to contribute something to, although this was merely a small part of the art design for the import, which I collaborated on with Shep’s talented girlfriend. (Or… was she merely his roommate?) Another thing about the “Aenima” recording that I remember, was a plan devised at the loft to create the ultimate hidden track. This was inspired by the whole Klaatu/Beatles thing, but the problem of actually pulling it off would take a lot more thought.

30th JUN 2013 NEWS POST

The Picture shown is the European Aenima Artwork with Bethlehem Abortion Clinic in the centre


1)Of the dozen or so spoof Tool CDs included in the spurious catalog in the insert contained in the import (i.e. European) version of Aenima, one of them is actually real (meaning that it at least includes jam sessions by the band and various other recorded material). Though having never been released to the general public, about 30 copies were surreptitiously placed in various record stores in European cities (most of them in Poland) by members of the band and their crew during a tour over there. TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE. But there is much more to this story – as I have been hinting at for years. Perhaps someday someone will finally figure it out, and before certain things become obsolete.

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August 4, 2013 at 5:36 am
I believe there is lots of evidence to suggest that Bethlehem Abortion Clinic and particularly it’s catalog number (12134-66649-4) are a vital clue to unlocking Problem 8 – The Riemann Hypothesis. Seeing as the Riemann Hypothesis is a mathematical concept, can this be related to the Bethlehem Abortion Clinic catalog number somehow?

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August 4, 2013 at 7:54 am
Further Ideas…

Following up on the potential link between Cesaro Summation & the Riemann Hypothesis (both mathematical ideas). There was a picture disc made for the track Cesaro Summability…

Quoted from ... inyl-promo

According to Craig Williamson, Tool’s promo manager in the early days, there are only 25 of this signed version in existence. This was distributed mainly to employees and those close to the band, where the regular unsigned versions (rumored to be limited to 5,000 or so) were distributed to radio stations and stores around the country to promote the release of Aenima roughly 12 years go.

The next few bits are a bit more speculative…

The catalog number for this item is ZP17666-1 (a repeat of the number 666 number also contained in the Bethlehem Abortion Clinic Catalog Number 12134-66649-4, with it’s obvious devil connotations)

Cesaro Summability (the track) could be the soundtrack to an abortion being performed at the clinic?

People who have possession of the Signed Cesaro Summability 12″ Picture Disc are unlikely to play it for fear of damaging their valuable memorabilia

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August 4, 2013 at 8:54 am
My Theory…

1. Tool recorded a secret track…

“Another thing about the “Aenima” recording that I remember, was a plan devised at the loft to create the ultimate hidden track.”

2. They left a clue on Aenima…

“Someday I will tell you what makes ONE of these cds so special – something the band members don’t want anyone to know – though it’s there for discerning listeners. Perhaps I’ve said too much already.”

The discerning listener will hear the song Cesaro Summability (the soundtrack to an abortion) linking it with Bethlehem Abortion Clinic in the Import Liner Notes (perhaps there is something hidden in the ‘voices’ contained in the track as well )

“Also, there was the thing about the mathematical formula encoded in the insert catalogue on the European issue of Aenima. Fortunately, nobody’s figured that one out yet.”

By saying mathematical formula people assume that a calculation is required. The mathematical formula is in title only – Cesaro Summability and it is an alias for the title “Bethlehem Abortion Clinic” which is the actual title of track 12 on Aenima. It is decoded through listening to it and determining it’s meaning.

“Aenima” was the first Tool project that I was asked to contribute something to, although this was merely a small part of the art design for the import, which I collaborated on with Shep’s talented girlfriend. (Or… was she merely his roommate?)”

Blair helped with the artwork for the Import CD – the fake albums

“Possibly the ‘darkest’ recording since Tool’s Bethlehem Abortion Clinic (12134-66649-4)”

A soundtrack to an abortion is pretty dark?

3. Tool produce a limited edition rare item – The signed Cesaro Picture Disc (25-30 copies) containing the secret material and place it in obscure places where they will be snapped up by people and not played for fear of damaging the value of the memorabilia…

“Though having never been released to the general public, about 30 copies were surreptitiously placed in various record stores in European cities (most of them in Poland) by members of the band and their crew during a tour over there.”..

“According to Craig Williamson, Tool’s promo manager in the early days, there are only 25 of this signed version in existence . This was distributed mainly to employees and those close to the band, where the regular unsigned versions (rumored to be limited to 5,000 or so) were distributed to radio stations and stores around the country to promote the release of Aenima roughly 12 years go.”

“Because of the ingenious way it was made available to the public, “Problem 8” , in my opinion, constitutes the ultimate hidden track. Only, don’t go looking for it among your collection (most of you, that is!), as there are no more than 30 copies on the planet. As for those who have one, most, I’m sure, aren’t aware of it, even though it might be staring them right in the eye on a near daily basis. The reason they aren’t aware of it, is because they’d never think to play it. Okay, enough said…”

4. Blair starts giving hints…

“All were released on vinyl in America except for “BETHLEHEM ABORTION CLINIC” which was only released on vinyl in Europe and never released in CD format anywhere. See catalogue in import release of Aenima CD for details.”

There is also a link in catalog numbers between the Cesaro Picture Disc and Bethlehem Abortion Clinic with both containing the devil’s number – 666

5. Problem 8 – The Riemann Hypothesis

“The title of this tune is “Problem 8 (The Riemann Hypothesis)”, and it was recorded many years ago – so long ago, in fact, that I don’t remember who played bass, although I want to say it was Justin. The length is somewhere in the six-minute range (if my memory serves me correctly), but whatever it is, the exact time had something to do with the unsolved and mysterious nature of the title. Now, not only was the song professionally recorded; it was actually ‘issued’ in a manufactured medium (though I’m not going to say whether this was vinyl, a CD, or cassette tape).”

When the title was chosen for the hidden track it needed to be linked to the clue that was made available. By choosing another mathematical formula it is linked with the theory of Cesaro Summation. Problem 8 – The Riemann Hypothesis is an unsolved mathematical hypothesis, much like the unsolved hidden Tool track.

If the Riemann Hypothesis is solved soon…

“Perhaps someday someone will finally figure it out, and before certain things become obsolete.”

The link between the unsolved maths formula and the ‘unsolved’ Tool track will be broken.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by UndKeineZwEier »

Problem 8 clearly refers to the fact that the hidden track is on an 8-track tape.

Problem 8


Hidden track

See how it all fits into place.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by Ravenpig »

Blair wrote "before it becomes obsolete", 8 track has been obsolete since the late 80's. I'm guessing its tape, or more than likely cd.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by sublime5446 »

Posted on toolband reddit

that song is on an ep you can find on the back cover of the book, "the joyful guide to lachrymology". it was unmarked, so i thought it was just a typical companion cd with some bullshit program on it. when i finally put the cd into my computer (years later) and heard "problem 8", it brought tears to my's a beautiful song.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by Kittaan »

sublime5446 wrote:Posted on toolband reddit

that song is on an ep you can find on the back cover of the book, "the joyful guide to lachrymology". it was unmarked, so i thought it was just a typical companion cd with some bullshit program on it. when i finally put the cd into my computer (years later) and heard "problem 8", it brought tears to my's a beautiful song.
To the original Reddit poster (not Sublime): Put up or shut up. Typical message board bullshit. Working link or it didn't happen....
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by Ravenpig »

Yep, sounds like bull shit. It'll be on the internet 5 seconds after the first time someone finds it. If its real.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by ziggy23 »

the European version of the Aenima CD SHOULD BE of interest to collectors. Not because the disc contains the Goetic sigil of Furfur
may be Goetic sigil of Furfur instead of Astaroth sigil?

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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by sublime5446 »

What about the undertow album Blair mentioned inscribed with the Lord's Prayer?
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by sublime5446 »

Also, Blair really needs to address whether or not this is solvable or not? If there's only 30 copies, presumably in Poland, then it's not probably not possible to solve.
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by Kittaan »

I found a clue!

Jay Z lists out 99 problems in this song... Listen to the lyrics carefully when he gets to Problem 8....

Can't believe it took me so long to notice this!!

[BBvideo 560,340][/BBvideo]
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by basejumper »

Does anyone have a scan of the catalog insert?
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by UndKeineZwEier »

basejumper! wrote:Does anyone have a scam of the catalog insert?
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by basejumper »

UndKeineZwEier wrote:
basejumper! wrote:Does anyone have a scam of the catalog insert?
If you know that person then please have them post it here. ;)
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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by UndKeineZwEier »

Here it is.

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Re: Aenima CD's "Spurious catalog insert"/jam cd Discussion

Post by The Boss »

sublime5446 wrote:Also, Blair really needs to address whether or not this is solvable or not? If there's only 30 copies, presumably in Poland, then it's not probably not possible to solve.
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