The Grudge (WARNING: 26 years to #6?)

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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by snazzlefrass »

hahhaa, spew.
While moggles continues to bring to the table glaring issues with this band, I would still call myself a "fan."
I still listen to their albums (well, except for a one or two), and it doesn't get old like other bands. I would say that makes me crazy, and a "fan."

Even if they/he are/is (a) lazy bastard(s). I wonder where Adam "Lazy Bones" Jones got his nickname?
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by M0G »

snazzlefrass wrote:hahhaa, spew.
While moggles continues to bring to the table glaring issues with this band, I would still call myself a "fan."
I still listen to their albums (well, except for a one or two), and it doesn't get old like other bands. I would say that makes me crazy, and a "fan."

Even if they/he are/is (a) lazy bastard(s). I wonder where Adam "Lazy Bones" Jones got his nickname?
You are the kind of fan I respect. You never make apologies or excuses for Tool's bullshit but you also make no apologies for enjoying their music. Respect as always brother snazzlecunt. As I have said before it is for people like you that I hope Tool can deliver one final great album.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by N.Y.H.C. »

M0G wrote:
snazzlefrass wrote:hahhaa, spew.
While moggles continues to bring to the table glaring issues with this band, I would still call myself a "fan."
I still listen to their albums (well, except for a one or two), and it doesn't get old like other bands. I would say that makes me crazy, and a "fan."

Even if they/he are/is (a) lazy bastard(s). I wonder where Adam "Lazy Bones" Jones got his nickname?
You are the kind of fan I respect. You never make apologies or excuses for Tool's bullshit but you also make no apologies for enjoying their music. Respect as always brother snazzlecunt. As I have said before it is for people like you that I hope Tool can deliver one final great album.
I'm pretty sure this album will deliver. too much time is being put into it for the LP not to blow 10,000 Days out of the water. I have a feeling M0G will be impressed, dare I say lol.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by hellboy »

M0G will be impressed and all will be forgiven. I look forward to his backflip in 2015.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by liz »

I hope so NYCH but that creative burn muscle needs momentum. The pressure must be enormous and I can't help but think that there will be a whole lot of second guessing going on. There is a Mog chorus waiting to pounce on their efforts. Its a tough gig.

Fair enough though. These guys have had fantastic success and the music dollar only stretches so far. They have an established audience for whatever they produce. I'm not going to be too concerned on their behalf.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by Calfium Jay »

I have NO doubt that the album will deliver - it's playing the waiting game that bugs the shit out of me.

Blair's comments about it being effects heavy, progressive and full of interesting time signature changes had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.

That new Boris release should tide me over for the next few months anyways......
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by xZ1mM3r »

They have that 23 minute track or whatever on it too. With that done, add in some filler tracks, some transitions, and they really only need 4-5 more songs lol.

I think they realize 10000 days wasn't their best work. I have a feeling the whole band wants to release something on the level of lateralus
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by BlackHole83 »

I agree. It's hard for me to fathom they would put up anything sub par. 10000 days was an evolved TOOL. It wasn't worse nor was it better than any previous album, they have continued to evolve from the EP onwards, so you should expect the same with this next step. When it does come out, whenever that may be, I am sure it will touch my soul just as every other album has, just in it's own personal way. Until then, I remain patient and deal with whatever the fuck life keeps throwing at me and enjoy the new tunes I come across every now and then. Cheers
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by M0G »

hellboy wrote:M0G will be impressed and all will be forgiven. I look forward to his backflip in 2015.
Sorry to disappoint but that ain't gonna happen. We had this discussion before. The album could be fucking Mozart level quality and I wouldn't buy it. Fuck TOOL. That bridge has been burned. Fuck burned it has been hit with a 1000 lb JDAM. Nothing Tool could do or say would ever pull me back as a fan.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by M0G »

BlackHole83 wrote:I agree. It's hard for me to fathom they would put up anything sub par. 10000 days was an evolved TOOL. It wasn't worse nor was it better than any previous album, they have continued to evolve from the EP onwards, so you should expect the same with this next step. When it does come out, whenever that may be, I am sure it will touch my soul just as every other album has, just in it's own personal way. Until then, I remain patient and deal with whatever the fuck life keeps throwing at me and enjoy the new tunes I come across every now and then. Cheers
And THAT is the kind of shit that makes me hate Tool fans (the majority of FE excluded of course, well, at least 50% of you)

I would insert a facepalm meme here but there isn't one large enough to do that level of bullshit justice

Fuck Tool
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by children »

Does the mention of a soul make you blush, Mog? Does it make you miss what you obviously lost long ago, or at least on a subconscious level your "real self," the one you have shut out from your conscious mind, is reacting to those "feelings" that you are so desperately trying to kill, and is attempting to break free, but you keep burying it down deeper so you can hold a grasp on that relentless ego that you seem to be so proud of.

Are you that afraid to get in touch with your emotions, or rather, your "female" side? Do you actually think that if you just keep expanding your knowledge of what society claims to "know" to be real, that you will achieve what is lacking in your life? Sure, gaining knowledge of the world is necessary and can be fascinating, but you will never get any happier by hiding behind some books, or more likely in this case, a computer. You think so highly of yourself because of your education, but it all means nothing if you're not in touch with yourself first. The most important knowledge is gained from within; everything else comes second and is meaningless otherwise.

You really believe that you have everything figured out, don't you? Your eyes see the world in 3D, but you are only allowing yourself to understand it from a 2D perspective. When somebody talks about something that doesn't fit into your view of the world, you get angry and say it is bullshit and then call that person a liar or crazy or just plain stupid. You need to let go of your petty notions of what reality is and look beyond to the bigger picture of it all. Stop limiting yourself to this finite mindset of which you have been so thoroughly convinced to be the absolute truth.

This goes way beyond what TOOL has ever done. How could a group of musicians that are completely separate from your life, which you have no control over, affect you so negatively and turn you into such a cold, heartless bastard? The fact that you take whatever choices TOOL have made in their career, or the attitudes they have held toward the music industry or their fans, on a personal level proves that you have a mental illness.

I have seen you rave on and on about why Lateralus is flawless in every way and how TOOL was your favorite band. You sounded like just as much of a fanboy than anybody else. Then somehow they let you down when 10,000 Days came out and you have never forgiven them every since. It's almost like you ARE that annoying TOOL fanboy that you are always hating on so much, but you realized how fucking pathetic of a person you are and that TOOL is just another band. You feel like you have been deceived and now you are ashamed and embarrassed.

Before TOOL came to be, i bet you were just another lost soul, then suddenly something real seemed to finally start happening. A group of musicians began making music that TOUCHED YOUR SOUL. Not only was the music phenomenal, but the songs contained actual substance and there seemed to be a sort of universal truth to the ideas that were being expressed. You were an angry problem child and you always felt like a reject of society. TOOL had that raw feeling of anarchy and rebellion that you could really relate to so you were immediately drawn in. You felt like you were part of something for the first time and from then on you were a rabid fanatic. Over time you watched the band progress, and as time went on the band changed and YOU DID NOT. You got stuck in the mindset that TOOL created for you and you never actually created your own set of ideals for yourself. You felt betrayed by the only glimmer of hope in your life. Now all is lost once again and you are bent on condemning TOOL and their fans because you never actually took the time to find your peace of mind and see that we are all one and life flows on within you and without you.

You clearly have deep-seeded issues that have been irking at you your entire life. You dismiss anything that comes close to popping your precious, little bubble that you have created for yourself, BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, DO YOU, MOG?

Go ahead and roll your fucking eyes...
Last edited by children on Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by '][' [[]] [[]] ][, »

^ Dude, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself. You're also making TOOL sound really gay.

Fuck TOOL.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by ilikecheese »

This thread played itself LONG ago.
Oooo...let's hate tool...

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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by BlackHole83 »

M0G wrote:
BlackHole83 wrote:I agree. It's hard for me to fathom they would put up anything sub par. 10000 days was an evolved TOOL. It wasn't worse nor was it better than any previous album, they have continued to evolve from the EP onwards, so you should expect the same with this next step. When it does come out, whenever that may be, I am sure it will touch my soul just as every other album has, just in it's own personal way. Until then, I remain patient and deal with whatever the fuck life keeps throwing at me and enjoy the new tunes I come across every now and then. Cheers
And THAT is the kind of shit that makes me hate Tool fans (the majority of FE excluded of course, well, at least 50% of you)

I would insert a facepalm meme here but there isn't one large enough to do that level of bullshit justice

Fuck Tool
Who gives a fuck what you hate? Get over yourself, hate to break it to you son but no one really gives a fuck what u think
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by children »

Oh no, i embarrassed myself on the INTERNET!

Wait, this is "The Grudge." Isn't that a good thing if i am making TOOL look gay?
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by children »

You Grudgefucks are always contradicting yourselves...
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by basejumper »


You know Childen you may have some valid points but I'm guessing MOG will defend himself against your assessment of him. My thoery however went uncontested so it stands as truth. As you can see his only qualm with what I said was quoting Shakespeare. :lol:
xZ1mM3r wrote:
M0G wrote:
xZ1mM3r wrote: you bash on tool so much its starting to have the reverse effect... you are as dedicated as the most addicted tool fan. accept it.
Man you are on my nuts. I am starting to think you like the cock. Well you can't have my cock. Not gunna happen player. I mean it's okay if you like the cock. Nothing wrong with that. I have a close, personal relationship with my cock. Just not really into other dudes cocks. So again, I repeat, you cannot have my cock.


But I bet for the right price you can have Maynard's. He can bathe you in a fountain of cosmic love.
Seriously? What is wrong with you.
basejumper wrote: It's a self defense mechanism. It's why he is on TooLs nuts all the time... he wants Maynard and any other male he just doesn't know how to deal with those feelings. He feels rejected by Tool for not tending to his wants and desires, he feels exposed when you point out the obvious so he attacks while secretly harboring homosexual feelings toward you. Repressed self hatred and homosexual desires mixed with an overinflated ego.
As noted before... "The lady doth protest too much,"

"Reaction formation. Now we're getting into advanced defense mechanism territory. Most people have difficulty understanding reaction formation, but it's really quite straightforward. Let's say that you secretly harbor lustful feelings toward someone you should probably stay away from. You don't want to admit to these feelings, so you instead express the very opposite of those feelings. This object of your lust now becomes the object of your bitter hatred. This defense mechanism could be subtitled the "lady doth protest too much," that wonderful quote from Hamlet. A less highbrow example is "Church Lady," the old Dana Carvey character from Saturday Night Live. Her secret obsession with pornography became reversed into her extreme scorn for all things sexual. In short, reaction formation means expressing the opposite of your inner feelings in your outward behavior."
M0G wrote: Really don't quote Shakespeare on a fucking Tool forum. Just don't. Ever. No. I think I just died a little bit on the inside. Please don't ever mention TOOL, that shitty overrated band, with a masterful genius like William Shakespeare. I also have a sneaky suspicion that you have never read anything by Shakespeare. What is it with Tool and all these uneducated fucks? Christ they just keep making them dumber and dumber.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains xZ1mM3r)

Post by hellboy »

He that has and a little tiny wit,
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Must make content with his fortunes fit,
Though the rain it raineth every day.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains Children)

Post by children »

Mog will not respond to my post about him. I would not be surprised if he has already blocked mine from sight...
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains Children)

Post by liz »

children wrote:Mog will not respond to my post about him. I would not be surprised if he has already blocked mine from sight...
It appears that Mog may have touched your soul Children.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains Children)

Post by ilikecheese »

either that or they're the same person...
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains Children)

Post by M0G »

liz wrote:
children wrote:Mog will not respond to my post about him. I would not be surprised if he has already blocked mine from sight...
It appears that Mog may have touched your soul Children.
^ :lol: well done maam

Yeah I didn't read that shit from Children. I wrote that motherfucker off awhile ago. He isn't just a rabid Toolio, he is certified fucking full tilt bat shit crazy. Everything he posts is just an automatic tl;dr

Have you noticed how easy it is to stir these bastards up? I should feel bad but I don't. I'm kind of a dick.
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains Children)

Post by hellboy »

M0G wrote: Have you noticed how easy it is to stir these bastards up?
Yep, it doesn't take much to get some people worked up...
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains Children)

Post by M0G »

hellboy wrote:
M0G wrote: Have you noticed how easy it is to stir these bastards up?
Yep, it doesn't take much to get some people worked up...
Yeah I know. This one dude flips his shit any time someone talks shit about grindcore. Odd fella. Heard he smells kinda funny. Likes Australian Rules Football. I think Liz might have met him. ;)
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Re: The Grudge (WARNING: contains Children)

Post by markuspoop »

children wrote:Does the mention of a soul make you blush, Mog? Does it make you miss what you obviously lost long ago, or at least on a subconscious level your "real self," the one you have shut out from your conscious mind, is reacting to those "feelings" that you are so desperately trying to kill, and is attempting to break free, but you keep burying it down deeper so you can hold a grasp on that relentless ego that you seem to be so proud of.

Are you that afraid to get in touch with your emotions, or rather, your "female" side? Do you actually think that if you just keep expanding your knowledge of what society claims to "know" to be real, that you will achieve what is lacking in your life? Sure, gaining knowledge of the world is necessary and can be fascinating, but you will never get any happier by hiding behind some books, or more likely in this case, a computer. You think so highly of yourself because of your education, but it all means nothing if you're not in touch with yourself first. The most important knowledge is gained from within; everything else comes second and is meaningless otherwise.

You really believe that you have everything figured out, don't you? Your eyes see the world in 3D, but you are only allowing yourself to understand it from a 2D perspective. When somebody talks about something that doesn't fit into your view of the world, you get angry and say it is bullshit and then call that person a liar or crazy or just plain stupid. You need to let go of your petty notions of what reality is and look beyond to the bigger picture of it all. Stop limiting yourself to this finite mindset of which you have been so thoroughly convinced to be the absolute truth.

This goes way beyond what TOOL has ever done. How could a group of musicians that are completely separate from your life, which you have no control over, affect you so negatively and turn you into such a cold, heartless bastard? The fact that you take whatever choices TOOL have made in their career, or the attitudes they have held toward the music industry or their fans, on a personal level proves that you have a mental illness.

I have seen you rave on and on about why Lateralus is flawless in every way and how TOOL was your favorite band. You sounded like just as much of a fanboy than anybody else. Then somehow they let you down when 10,000 Days came out and you have never forgiven them every since. It's almost like you ARE that annoying TOOL fanboy that you are always hating on so much, but you realized how fucking pathetic of a person you are and that TOOL is just another band. You feel like you have been deceived and now you are ashamed and embarrassed.

Before TOOL came to be, i bet you were just another lost soul, then suddenly something real seemed to finally start happening. A group of musicians began making music that TOUCHED YOUR SOUL. Not only was the music phenomenal, but the songs contained actual substance and there seemed to be a sort of universal truth to the ideas that were being expressed. You were an angry problem child and you always felt like a reject of society. TOOL had that raw feeling of anarchy and rebellion that you could really relate to so you were immediately drawn in. You felt like you were part of something for the first time and from then on you were a rabid fanatic. Over time you watched the band progress, and as time went on the band changed and YOU DID NOT. You got stuck in the mindset that TOOL created for you and you never actually created your own set of ideals for yourself. You felt betrayed by the only glimmer of hope in your life. Now all is lost once again and you are bent on condemning TOOL and their fans because you never actually took the time to find your peace of mind and see that we are all one and life flows on within you and without you.

You clearly have deep-seeded issues that have been irking at you your entire life. You dismiss anything that comes close to popping your precious, little bubble that you have created for yourself, BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, DO YOU, MOG?

Go ahead and roll your fucking eyes...

But fuck Tool anyway. They gargle balls.
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