Black Breath + I Exist 10-Apr-2013 @ Enigma Bar

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Post by hellboy »

Black Breath are a death/thrash/black metal band I've been watching for a while.  Their last album Sentenced To Life was pretty good, and seeing they were playing in town for only $25 it seemed like something I shouldn't miss out on.

Doors opened at 8:30.  There was a local band playing that I had little motivation to see, so I arrived at around 9:15 while I Exist were doing their final soundcheck.  They played for about 40 minutes, it wasn't a bad set, and had some good songs but there was nothing there to convince me these guys are anything special.

About 20 minutes after their set finished, Black Breath hit the stage.  Sound wasn't great, vocals too high in the mix and the guitars way too quiet, but luckily that improved after a couple of songs.  Black Breath were good, but not amazing.  I only really knew about half of the set (which is no surprise since I'm really only familiar with the one album) but the stuff from the latest album seemed much stronger than their old work.  But when they did play their newer stuff, they were excellent.

Overall I enjoyed the show.  It wasn't amazing by any means, but was a good night out and worth the $25.  Crowd was relatively small, which I guess is no surprise for a Wednesday night.  Lead to quite a few awkward silences between songs, but that seems to be pretty common at small shows.

Here's the obligatory phone photo:

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