Maynard locks and loads with his new rifle

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Post by hellboy »

Seems as though Maynard is a fan of guns, presumably a requirement in the outlaw and vermin infested Arizona, however his silenced rifle seems a little excessive. Here's a video of his shooting stuff that ziggy23 shared in the forums earlier today:

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Post by ilikecheese »

Nothing new here either.  

A bit more insight indeed regarding his views.  

Call it reinforcement of opinion.


and on a side note, I was actually going to post something about the whole gun control issue

as it seems to be on the forefront of peoples minds.  

I own a gun.  Love it.  It was my father's and 

he passed it on to me.  Absolutely a piece of art this thing.  

But I cannot stand the fact that individuals take the NRA

as stone documents.  It's a fucking lobbyist group is all.

People talk about that shit like it's

the only way to think about the issue.

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Post by markuspoop »

Kinda funny this video gets posted on the day Obama introduces new gun-control ideas.

Looks like a dope gun, too.

Isn't there a video somewhere on youtube of MJK (and maybe Danny) out in the desert shooting guns where MJK goes "Bitch give me my money..." or something like that?  Hahahahaa
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Post by Intension »

Very relative timing. Good ole Arizona gun laws! I miss living in Tucson for that.

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Post by The Boss »

I don't see any video.

And also, no surprises that the 'Nard is a gun-nut.
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Post by ilikecheese »

markuspoop said
Kinda funny this video gets posted on the day Obama introduces new gun-control ideas.

Looks like a dope gun, too.

Isn't there a video somewhere on youtube of MJK (and maybe Danny) out in the desert shooting guns where MJK goes "Bitch give me my money..." or something like that?  Hahahahaa

yes there is...don't have it my holster right at the moment

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Post by markuspoop »

cheeseballs said

markuspoop said
Kinda funny this video gets posted on the day Obama introduces new gun-control ideas.

Looks like a dope gun, too.

Isn't there a video somewhere on youtube of MJK (and maybe Danny) out in the desert shooting guns where MJK goes "Bitch give me my money..." or something like that?  Hahahahaa

yes there is...don't have it my holster right at the moment


Pretty easy find

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Post by Outsider »

i think everybody knows where i stand on the gun issue. now i just need a suppressor. legally that is.   but Maynards setup is pretty dam expensive and he has to have a tax stamp for that suppressor which i'm sure he does.


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Post by bob »

sorry to say but most americans just dont get it when it comes to guns. apparently Maynards no acception to that. good point about the obama speach. im sure that was no accident on his part posting this video. im not arguing anything or trying to cause shit but i have no interest in weapons. simple as that.
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Post by not tyson »

crow011 said
I don't see any video.



Me either
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Post by Outsider »

if you can't see it here do a youtube search for Maynard and guns. that's the title of it.
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Post by The Boss »

TAoutsider said
if you can't see it here do a youtube search for Maynard and guns. that's the title of it.

Meh. Seeing that little troll masturbating with a firearm wouldn't really be a turn-on for me.

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Post by ilikecheese »

crow011 said

TAoutsider said
if you can't see it here do a youtube search for Maynard and guns. that's the title of it.

Meh. Seeing that little troll masturbating with a firearm wouldn't really be a turn-on for me.


Derrida would have a field day.
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Post by badkittygothgirl »

I didn't see a video either so I clicked on the original blog post.  Here is a link for the lazy.


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Post by bob »

its just a tad weird. i dont know what comes near his back yard in terms of animals but at best maybe this is some experiance for sing writing
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Post by hellboy »

As pointed out by BKGG, the video didn't come across from the blog post.  Probably because the forum doesn't allow embedding of iframes.
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Post by DRURY »

Guns equal the playing field with criminals and a tyrannical government.

I wonder why our dear leader would use men with guns to protect him if he thinks they are SOOOO dangerous. Oh ya, because he is an elitist scumbag.
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Post by joeypants »

Ah, yes! The playing field is truly leveled! You too can compete with that tyrannical government takeover that's going to happen any second now! You know, the one where ALL the armed forces members willingly agree to take down the American people!


Christ, you're an idiot. I'm sorry, I try to be nice and not too snarky on here. But anyone who starts seriously touting that "wonder why fukkin OBAMA has men with guns protecting him? Ever think bout that? LIBRIL ELITE!!!!!!"... Jesus. Get your head out of your ass.
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Post by The Boss »

DRURY said
Guns equal the playing field with criminals and a tyrannical government.

I wonder why our dear leader would use men with guns to protect him if he thinks they are SOOOO dangerous. Oh ya, because he is an elitist scumbag.

No. No, they don't. They just don't.

Yes - I read what Tom Selleck just wrote. No, I'm not agreeing with him because I'm a fucking idiot who can't form his own opinions.

The big, obvious, glaring reason why shootings are happening in America is because HIGH-POWERED WEAPONS (AND OTHERWISE) ARE EASILY ACCESSIBLE. Obama is trying to bring in legislation where it will be harder for people to get guns - and impossible to get ASSAULT RIFLES. GIVE ME A REASON WHY ANYONE WOULD EVER, EVER, EVER NEED AN ASSAULT RIFLE. Go nuts. I am all ears.

There is no way - no fucking possible way - where your government couldn't EVER eradicate EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN in the country, fire-arms with the citizens or not. Your so-called "right to bear arms" is an archaic dinosaur that had its time about a hundred years ago. There is NO REASON why anyone should ever own a gun in America.

And if you say it's for "protection", then go ahead and do me a favour. Look in the mirror, and ask yourself, "What, exactly, am I protecting myself from?" A culture of violence and alienation? A culture where the concept of mental illness is treated EVEN WORSE than in Asian countries? A country that glorifies a "me first and fuck everyone else" attitude? A country that, twenty-four hours a day, shoves down your throat how great your military is doing overseas? IN CONFLICTS THAT THE GENERAL POPULACE WANTS NO PART IN?! Yep. Need protection from that. And the sensible choice is guns. Fuck me sideways.

Oh, and if you wonder why Obama needs protection for him and his family, than you're a fucking idiot. Go join Alex Jones on his oh-so-popular blogs.

I don't hate people like you. I just wish you would stop being such moronic fuckstains.

As an aside, I've always wondered what the deal was with this "right to bear arms". To overthrow your government, right? So, what's going on, guys? You all bitch and whinge about how "tyrannical" your government is, and yet Bush got eight fucking years. PICK UP YOUR GUNS AND DO SOMETHING.

I would love for all Americans who complain about their government to go to half the countries I have been to. I'm not dick-sizing here, but seriously, Philippines. Cambodia. Fuck, South Korea.

You people think you have it oh-so fucking hard. Jesus Christ. Shut the fuck up.

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Post by Hammer »

No one "needs" an "assault rifle". Like abortions, it's our RIGHT to have one.

Now sit the fuck back down and shut the fuck up.
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Post by The Boss »

Hammer said
No one "needs" an "assault rifle". Like abortions, it's our RIGHT to have one.

Now sit the fuck back down and shut the fuck up.


Right to have something that has no other reason for being other than to take life; or, a medical procedure, if done correctly, has the power to improve lives.

Cool. I can see how these two examples are actually about the exact same thing. Great argument.

You gun-nuts should be on the same side as abortionists - it's all about these invisible "rights" - right?

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Post by joeypants »

I'm not even fully anti-gun. Yes, I see no good reason for assault weapons of the kind that are always used in these mass killings (and for nothing else of value, by the way). But you want a handgun or a shotgun? Go to fucking town. We crossed that bridge a long, long time ago in America and for better or worse, there's no going back. I just think we should do something, even if it's only stemming future sales of things that are nothing more than highly efficient tools for killing LOTS of people. Not one intruder, not even a pack of those people Mel Gibson is so afraid of raping your wives... but LOTS of people in say, a school or a movie theater. Oh right, or lots of targets at the gun range. Where... you could still rent all these fun toys and not take them home to plan massacres.


It's the sheer willful idiocy of comments like that one I lost it on that just send me around the bend. "Well the 2nd amendment is for protecting against tyrannical..." yeah, great. That time is OVER. Done. Wave bye bye. If the government wants to lock it down and "come after" everyone, guess what? You lose. We all fucking lose.


The good thing is, that's pretty much not going to happen ever because the military would almost assuredly never go along with it, and it's just a big gun-loving hard-on fantasy that people like to think up because they have a blood-lust they can't seem to reconcile.
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Post by The Boss »

And let's not forget that what someone says and feels about their own body is a universal right unto itself - unlike holding a firearm and feeling all big "when the gov'ment comes".

I don't know, America. Sometimes I feel like you WANT us to hate you.
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