Scumfest Adelaide 2013

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Post by hellboy »

Seems as I'm the only one to have gone to a live show since the start of these forums, so what better way to kick it off than with a review of last nights Scumfest.  This was a one day DIY festival, featuring mainly punk and metal bands from Australia, with a few other genres thrown in for good luck.

I wasn't able to get their as early as I would have, so missed out on We Lost The Sea who are a post-rock band from Sydney.  Our buddy Liz was there though, and she said the band was quite good - certainly the pick of the afternoon sets she's seen.

First band I caught were Adelaide band Guantanmo Bay City Rollers.  These guys have an interesting mix of punk, metal, grind and drug use, and their show was excellent.  Definitely worth checking out should they ever make it to your town.

Up next were a black metal band called Funeral Moon.  Sound was shitty and I couldn't get into them, so the bar was sought.  Back at the main stage we waited for Iron Worzel - another local band I'd seen before.  Think of a punkier Eyehategod and you're on the right track.  They put on a good show as well, though the sound was pretty band, and it appeared that the band knew it by the end of the set.

Seems as though the side stage had been canned, as we were expecting Sydney's Jesus Christ Posse to appear there, but the stage was being dismantled when we arrive.  Figuring God had intervened we headed back to the main stage for the next band, and it turns out Jesus Christ Posse were setting up there.  Pro-Christian power violence was the order of the day.  Highlight of the set were the song names, ranging from the pro-Baptism song Bring Your Daughter To The Water to the child "friendly" Kinder Surprise.  You can check them out for free here if you're interested Definitely one of the highlights of the day.

Following them were feel Sydney "religious" rockers Battlepope.  They played about 20 minutes of grindy punk, and were good, but not as good as Jesus' posse.  Sadly for both these bands, most of the audience seemed to be outside smoking and eating, which was a shame.  Looks like many people turned up to see the local acts, but when some interstate bands came on decided the bar was a better idea.

Speaking of abandoning bands, at this stage we decided a Yiros was in order, so headed down to Hindley Street to grab one.  The Veggie burger stand had long since sold out, and the only other option was a sausage + bread.  Since the next band up was some reggae folk stuff, we decided to skip them.  They were actually still going when we came back - not really my thing.

Following them were pop-punk band Hightime.  I commented on Synchtube on Friday that I wondered what would happen when the 13 year old singers balls would drop.  Turns out I was wrong and it was actually chick singing!  The band played a pretty good set - quite high energy and seemed to have a good following in the crowd. I enjoyed the show, but not sure if I'd rush back to see them.

Patriarchal Death Machine were up next, and played a pretty straight up rock punk set, not dissimilar to Cosmic Psychos.  Politics were a strong them in the lyrics, and this was their last show, at least with their current drummer.  Good crowd response as well, with a good show.

Time had come for some grindcore, and Captain Cleanoff were next up on the stage.  Their sound wasn't amazing, but the set was good, and the crowd seemed to enjoy it.  Not quite enough mayhem for my liking, but considering they've been around for fucking ages I guess it's no surprise!

Liz told me that God God Dammit Dammit were pretty good, and the came on to stage with a bang - a couple of punky, funky songs really perking the crowd up.  The rest of their set was a little hit and miss, some great songs, and a few others that dragged. Finished up with a good cover of With A Little Help From My Friends.  Once again there was a big crowd supporting the local act.

Sadly, over half of the crowd left, and the bad news for them was that Wollongong's Totally Unicorn were the definite highlight of the set.  Think a fatter, drunker, funnier Dillinger Escape Plan and you'll get the idea.  Definitely worth sticking around for.

All up, it was a great day.  Entry was $20 which was pretty cheap to see so many bands.  Venue was good though the sound a little hit and miss.  Food and drinks were good as well, though perhaps a little understocked.  With a good lineup next year I'd be there again for sure.  There's a Scumfest next week in Melbourne for those interested, though Iron Worzel and God God Dammit Dammit are the only shared acts (both worth seeing though).  Anyone in town should consider going along!
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Post by Ravenpig »

I've yet to go to a show so you got me right, at least.  Sounds like you went to an interesting fest.
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Post by ilikecheese »

First, very good review.


cue kit's slow, hand-clap midget...


I am wondering though how you felt about the overall 'scum' level for the festival.

Did it live up to it's name?

Were there any scummy people?  How about the bands; too much scum? not enough? just right?

On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate the over all feel of scum at this fest?

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Post by hellboy »

As far as scumminess goes, it probably wasn't more than a 5 - most people there seemed to be either standard metal fans or punk hipsters.
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Post by Lizbet »

Scumfest really was a terrific day out and yes seriously where are all the bands you people have been to recently? Kittaan I saw you did Soundgarden and I will wait for my turn again patiently. Totally Unicorn were absolutely hilarious as well as being really good. My feeling no pain mate (not the bloke or HB) at one stage took the quite heavy lead singer upon his shoulders and all we could see was his face squashed between the singers thighs with his scantily clad package resting on my mates forehead. Too funny.

I wish I'd taken a picture of it but you'll have to imagine:

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Post by Lizbet »

LOL I had to update this. My mate just visited and we were laughing at him again. When the bloke said how regretful he was that we didn't have a photo he told us to visit youtube. About the 44 second mark to 54 seconds ought to see it out. Enjoy:

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Post by hellboy »

Nothing beats being tea-bagged at a punk/grind show
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