Opiate 21st Anniversary reissue on sale to the public

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Post by budsyralli »

this may be wishful thinking.....but maybe the money goes back into the pot...the toolcamp
go taff!
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Post by hellboy »

doors said
You guys are weak. Caved in to buying something so worthless as a re-release with no new content. This only convinces AJ to release more crap and to rest on his already rested laurels. *Clap clap for the handicap*


So what's been stopping them from churning out album after album?  Maybe all we needed to do was just buy more in the first place...
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Post by lachrymologist »

Only 7 left..... Jump!!!
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Post by doors »

hellboy1975 said

doors said
You guys are weak. Caved in to buying something so worthless as a re-release with no new content. This only convinces AJ to release more crap and to rest on his already rested laurels. *Clap clap for the handicap*

So what's been stopping them from churning out album after album?  Maybe all we needed to do was just buy more in the first place...

No Hellboy.

Maybe if Adam, Danny and Justin (Maynard not at fault here):

-stopped touring 7 years off the same album (ok, partly Maynard's fault-not his own doing though)

-got a little serious instead of focusing on their "cushy" lifestyles

-told BMB to STFU and stop advertising their exotic little getaways and mishaps (scooter accidents)

-stopped milking money of their fans for useless DVDs (Schism/Parabola) that had no extra content. A simple youtube search would suffice

-didn't re-release a lame 21st anniversary of an EP with no extra content (one golden ticket-most likely a free concert ticket with flight expenses unpaid for {whoopty-doo!})

People would regain any ounce of respect they once had for them. Right now they have isolated many of their fans (not that they give a shit - "cushy lifestyles" remember?). So those that purchased these useless recycled Opiate CDs are not helping the cause for a speedier album that's for sure. With more money comes less creative hunger.
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Post by Hotdog »

doors said

hellboy1975 said

doors said
You guys are weak. Caved in to buying something so worthless as a re-release with no new content. This only convinces AJ to release more crap and to rest on his already rested laurels. *Clap clap for the handicap*

So what's been stopping them from churning out album after album?  Maybe all we needed to do was just buy more in the first place...

No Hellboy.

Maybe if Adam, Danny and Justin (Maynard not at fault here):

-stopped touring 7 years off the same album (ok, partly Maynard's fault-not his own doing though)

-got a little serious instead of focusing on their "cushy" lifestyles

-told BMB to STFU and stop advertising their exotic little getaways and mishaps (scooter accidents)

-stopped milking money of their fans for useless DVDs (Schism/Parabola) that had no extra content. A simple youtube search would suffice

-didn't re-release a lame 21st anniversary of an EP with no extra content (one golden ticket-most likely a free concert ticket with flight expenses unpaid for (whoopty-doo!)

People would regain any ounce of respect they once had for them. Right now they have isolated many of their fans (not that they give a shit - "cushy lifestyles" remember?). So those that purchased these useless recycled Opiate CDs are not helping the cause for a speedier album that's for sure. With more money comes less creative hunger.

Maybe you should just burn all forms of Tool music you own and just move on in life...
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Post by doors »

Maybe I like reiterating the same point until it sinks into your thick cranium!
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Post by jabuddha »

And they're gone. 2:05am central time.
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Post by Casey Tatum »

doors said

hellboy1975 said

doors said
You guys are weak. Caved in to buying something so worthless as a re-release with no new content. This only convinces AJ to release more crap and to rest on his already rested laurels. *Clap clap for the handicap*

So what's been stopping them from churning out album after album?  Maybe all we needed to do was just buy more in the first place...

No Hellboy.

Maybe if Adam, Danny and Justin (Maynard not at fault here):

-stopped touring 7 years off the same album (ok, partly Maynard's fault-not his own doing though)

-got a little serious instead of focusing on their "cushy" lifestyles

-told BMB to STFU and stop advertising their exotic little getaways and mishaps (scooter accidents)

-stopped milking money of their fans for useless DVDs (Schism/Parabola) that had no extra content. A simple youtube search would suffice

-didn't re-release a lame 21st anniversary of an EP with no extra content (one golden ticket-most likely a free concert ticket with flight expenses unpaid for {whoopty-doo!})

People would regain any ounce of respect they once had for them. Right now they have isolated many of their fans (not that they give a shit - "cushy lifestyles" remember?). So those that purchased these useless recycled Opiate CDs are not helping the cause for a speedier album that's for sure. With more money comes less creative hunger.

Give it up. Admit you don't know anything.
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Post by doors »

children said

doors said

hellboy1975 said

doors said
You guys are weak. Caved in to buying something so worthless as a re-release with no new content. This only convinces AJ to release more crap and to rest on his already rested laurels. *Clap clap for the handicap*

So what's been stopping them from churning out album after album?  Maybe all we needed to do was just buy more in the first place...

No Hellboy.

Maybe if Adam, Danny and Justin (Maynard not at fault here):

-stopped touring 7 years off the same album (ok, partly Maynard's fault-not his own doing though)

-got a little serious instead of focusing on their "cushy" lifestyles

-told BMB to STFU and stop advertising their exotic little getaways and mishaps (scooter accidents)

-stopped milking money of their fans for useless DVDs (Schism/Parabola) that had no extra content. A simple youtube search would suffice

-didn't re-release a lame 21st anniversary of an EP with no extra content (one golden ticket-most likely a free concert ticket with flight expenses unpaid for {whoopty-doo!})

People would regain any ounce of respect they once had for them. Right now they have isolated many of their fans (not that they give a shit - "cushy lifestyles" remember?). So those that purchased these useless recycled Opiate CDs are not helping the cause for a speedier album that's for sure. With more money comes less creative hunger.

Give it up. Admit you don't know anything.

The truth hurts, you cocksucker.

Casey Tatum
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Post by Casey Tatum »

The moment you think you KNOW the truth is when you have TRULY lost yourself...
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Post by doors »

children said
The moment you think you KNOW the truth is when you have TRULY lost yourself...

Well done, you're the king of Google.


https://www.google.com/#hl=en&gs_rn=7&g ... ec31b16e24


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Post by Hotdog »

doors said

hellboy1975 said

doors said
You guys are weak. Caved in to buying something so worthless as a re-release with no new content. This only convinces AJ to release more crap and to rest on his already rested laurels. *Clap clap for the handicap*

So what's been stopping them from churning out album after album?  Maybe all we needed to do was just buy more in the first place...

No Hellboy.

Maybe if Adam, Danny and Justin (Maynard not at fault here):

-stopped touring 7 years off the same album (ok, partly Maynard's fault-not his own doing though)

-got a little serious instead of focusing on their "cushy" lifestyles

-told BMB to STFU and stop advertising their exotic little getaways and mishaps (scooter accidents)

-stopped milking money of their fans for useless DVDs (Schism/Parabola) that had no extra content. A simple youtube search would suffice

-didn't re-release a lame 21st anniversary of an EP with no extra content (one golden ticket-most likely a free concert ticket with flight expenses unpaid for {whoopty-doo!})

People would regain any ounce of respect they once had for them. Right now they have isolated many of their fans (not that they give a shit - "cushy lifestyles" remember?). So those that purchased these useless recycled Opiate CDs are not helping the cause for a speedier album that's for sure. With more money comes less creative hunger.

Write the band a letter  - http://www.toolband.com/identity/email/

They need to know how you feel on all these relevent subjects you mention. 
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Post by The Boss »

Probably the best way to show how little you respect them as musicians and individuals is to pirate the all-loving shit out of anything and everything they put out ever again.

That's what I've been doing, and it's working for me. I've, ultimately, been their boss throughout the years, and they way that I look at it now: they're fucking fired.

Though, with how lucrative a re-release with absolutely no other incentive to purchase other than "It's TOOL!" has been, I doubt they'll miss my money. So, in a sense, we're kind of even.
O love will you read the letters I will send to you.
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Post by jabuddha »

crow011 said
Probably the best way to show how little you respect them as musicians and individuals is to pirate the all-loving shit out of anything and everything they put out ever again.

That's what I've been doing, and it's working for me. I've, ultimately, been their boss throughout the years, and they way that I look at it now: they're fucking fired.

Though, with how lucrative a re-release with absolutely no other incentive to purchase other than "It's TOOL!" has been, I doubt they'll miss my money. So, in a sense, we're kind of even.

Yea, you're even.

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Post by Hammer »

Am I the only one in here who absolutely DOUBTS that all four members found the time to actually sign 5000 (!!!) copies of this EP?

C'mon. You guys can't be this gullible.

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Post by fortysixand2 »

Well there's a cool $750,000 for a couple hours of "work."
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Post by MOG »

As ridiculous as I personally find this Opiate re-release to be, fuck does it show how much the average fan will gobble up anything Tool tosses their way.  We grumblers who have been around for a long time can call bullshit every day all day but we are an incredibly tiny minority.  It absolutely boggles the mind on every conceivable level but it is undeniable.  TOOL has become the world's greatest used car salesman.
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Post by ilikecheese »

Thank God it's over.  

Now can everyone just

shut     the     fuck     UP!

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Post by DRURY »

The recent comments by tyson, doors and crow solidify that they are Grade-A Douchebags.

No need to ever directly interact anymore. I didn't realize they were really that shitty.
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Post by DRURY »


Less than 5,000 out of a couple million fans.....obviously most people aren't going to "gobble" this up. Its just for those that really like it. The haters are just doing what they do best, which is cry about Tool and fantasize that they are the BOSS OF THEM.

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Post by thesheedspot »

boss of them. hahahahaha. i command a mighty army consisting of many bands! the local natives protect my flanks while kendrick lamar is the vanguard of my revolution! tool, in absentia of new pirate-able material, merely waste away their days at the VFW of my itunes library.
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Post by walter »

so the "haters" are obviously entitled to their opinions, but i just don't get it.

clearly you guys love their music, or you wouldn't be on this site. and clearly you're disillusioned with their approach of late. but come on, it's a free country. you don't want to buy what they're selling - don't. your comments are moot because changing tool's approach would mean they'd be different people and would put out different music. they are who they are.

i mean, shit, i hate waiting for the new album as much as anyone, but i'm too grateful for all that their previous albums have given me to ever demand anything else. when it comes, it'll come and it'll be amazing. you can't rush this shit.

as for opiate specifically, i bought one (#4) and am really curious what it's all about. this is not a money making venture for them. by the time you're done with the cost of manufacturing, paying off adi whatshisname and all the other business expenses, they'll probably be left with $400K profit (probably less). what the fuck? $100K each? that's nothing for them. plus they'll probably pay off some royalties to paul. they could have made a LOT more if they charged half the price and released 4 times as much. it would still sell out. and they wouldn't have to sign 'em either.

i don't think it was about the money. they really thought this would be a special move that needed to happen.
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Post by satanbakesale »

I bought two sets. After I wait for a while Im gonna sell one on eBAY and make my money back due to the idiots that are willing to overpay. Im basically going to be getting it for free and possibly even profit from it . BOOM BITCHES!
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Post by jabuddha »

walter said
so the "haters" are obviously entitled to their opinions, but i just don't get it.

clearly you guys love their music, or you wouldn't be on this site. and clearly you're disillusioned with their approach of late. but come on, it's a free country. you don't want to buy what they're selling - don't. your comments are moot because changing tool's approach would mean they'd be different people and would put out different music. they are who they are.

i mean, shit, i hate waiting for the new album as much as anyone, but i'm too grateful for all that their previous albums have given me to ever demand anything else. when it comes, it'll come and it'll be amazing. you can't rush this shit.

as for opiate specifically, i bought one (#4) and am really curious what it's all about. this is not a money making venture for them. by the time you're done with the cost of manufacturing, paying off adi whatshisname and all the other business expenses, they'll probably be left with $400K profit (probably less). what the fuck? $100K each? that's nothing for them. plus they'll probably pay off some royalties to paul. they could have made a LOT more if they charged half the price and released 4 times as much. it would still sell out. and they wouldn't have to sign 'em either.

i don't think it was about the money. they really thought this would be a special move that needed to happen.

I love it when people talk sense.
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